Welcome to Fuel!

Fuel is our Mid-week program that consists of community, fun games, worship, teaching and life groups. Come get plugged in to a community that is for each other and is all there for the same goal, to understand and grow closer to students. This is the perfect night to come if you are new or have been coming to North Coast for a while.

Fuel is every Wednesday night from 7:00-9:00 PM (unless announced otherwise for special events) at the NineTen Room

Life Groups

How we make a big room feel small! A big part of our midweek program is life groups, where students sit in smaller groups with usually 10-12 students and can have a safe space to share and discuss.

Looking for a life Group? Contact one of our Directors to get plugged in!

Boys Groups: Brennan Gould

Girls Groups: Maddie Muche