Welcome to CREW

CREW is NineTen’s Student Discipleship Team! With it, we will strive to create a safe space where students can deepen their faith and grow as leaders. We come together to explore the Word of God, apply its practical truths, and build a strong supportive community that extends beyond the church walls. TRUTH is the compass that points us back to our true purpose as disciples. We will seek it and learn how to live by it together! 

    • Live with Integrity: Strive to live above reproach and honor God in all aspects of life. 

    • Be a Beacon: Shine as a light not only within NineTen, but also in the wider community. 

    • Attendance and Participation: Student Disciples are committed to attending all CREW meetings and participating in at least 75% of NineTen activities, including life groups, weekend services, and various events. CREW members are also expected to engage in at least two service projects throughout the year. (Please notify a pastor if you are unable to attend a meeting or event, as communication is a key leadership value!) 

    • Monthly Gatherings: We meet once a month on Saturday nights from 6:30 to 8:00 PM. (Dates coming soon!) Usually first Saturday of the month unless told otherwise.  

    • Agenda: Our time together includes fellowship, worship through music, Biblical teaching, and practical application of what we learn. 

  • Ready to Jump into crew?

    apply here!